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The Alpaca Wool Experts

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Interview: Marcelina from Peru tells us her story

By Fiorella Cruz  •   3 minute read

Interview: Marcelina aus Peru erzählt uns ihre Geschichte

...about the culture of the alpacas that have surrounded them all their lives.

Since when have you been working with alpacas?
I have known alpacas since I was born. My family raised alpacas in my hometown and since I was 8 years old my mother sent me out to look after them. Since then I have known them and know a lot about their habits and their peculiarities. All my life I have been surrounded by them and tried to work near them. They are wonderful animals.

Where did you learn to dye alpaca fibers in an artisanal way?
It is an inherited art. My mother had her animals in Puno.
She spun and wove garments such as llijlla, aguayo or shawls, all of which were dyed by hand.

When and how did you learn to knit by hand?
I learned to knit as a child, my mother taught me. So I found myself some straw sticks when I lived in the mountains and started knitting clothes for my siblings.

How do you care for alpacas properly?
Taking care of these animals is not so complicated. They need good grass because they like to lie on soft ground. It is not well known, but alpacas love it when the place where they sleep and eat is really clean. That way they are happy.

What do alpacas like to eat most?
They are naturally vegetarian and eat grass (dry and fresh) and especially alfalfa. They like the food to be clean and fresh.
It is important to know that alpacas only nibble the tips of grasses and plants, so they do not rip them out of the ground, which is why they are said to always take good care of the land.

What is the life cycle of an alpaca?
Alpacas have a gestation period of about 11 months and can only give birth to one baby at a time, so they can be sheared once a year in one to two years. They live for about 15 to 20 years.

Can alpacas also be pets?
I believe that if they are raised like this from birth, they can also stay in a house or a farm. They don't need much space, but the place must be nice and clean.

Which characteristics of alpacas are not so well known?
They tolerate cold better than heat. Alpacas bathe in small rivers.
Alpacas can eat all day long because they actually eat very small portions when they do. Alpacas have their own personalities. They can also get annoyed if they have had a bad day. The best thing about alpacas is that they remember people. If they have been very loving or caring towards them at some point, they will welcome that person back with more trust.

Marcelina works on an alpaca farm in Arequipa. She is very happy that more people get to know her and, above all, fall in love with alpacas, as she did a long time ago.

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