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The Alpaca Wool Experts

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Unser Team Peru besucht die Peruanischen Anden mit Alpakas in Hintergrund

Our team

  • Sven Marten Gründer und Geschäftsführer


    As founder and managing director, I try to steer our "baby" in the right direction every day and am happy about every single step of growth.

  • Carla von Team Kunden Service


    It is great to see and be able to contribute to making a piece of my Peruvian homeland better known in Germany and around the world.

  • Fiorella von Team ist die Teamleiterin Peru


    Team leader Peru - I have been in the alpaca industry since 2011 and am happy to be able to contribute my knowledge of this unique fiber to Hansa-Farm. Product development is my core area.

  • Fernanda von Team ist die Projektleiterin Peru


    Project Manager Peru - I have been working in a leading marketing position in the alpaca industry for over a decade and am now looking forward to seeing Hansa-Farm continue to grow.

  • Francisco Team Grafikdesign


    Graphic design - I really enjoy working in a small team and being able to implement many of my ideas.

  • Misti Alpaca ist der Herdenführer von unser Team in Farbe Braun süß


    Herd leader - I particularly enjoy walking with my whole herd through the Peruvian Andes and enjoying the view.