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The Alpaca Wool Experts

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Humulus Sweater

By Fiorella Cruz  •   1 minute read

Humulus Pullover
Baby Alpaca DK wool meets fine handwork by Karin
A short excursion into the origin of the word and the biology associated with it. Humulus is Latin and means hops. This belongs to the hemp family. The most familiar type of hops is certainly the so-called true hops. It is used for brewing beer. Humulus, or hops, is a fast-growing climbing plant. It is either annual or perennial. The herbaceous climbing plants wind clockwise when viewed from above. This is called right-winding. The stems and leaf stalks of the climbing plant have climbing hooks. These are rigid, 2-armed, stalked hairs. The texture of the stem is rather coarse, has 6 ribs or is winged. The hop leaves are heart-shaped and have 3 to 9 lobes.

Karin from our Facebook fan group has kindly allowed us to present her knitting results to you here. The Humulus sweater is a hit not only with the fans but also with us. April gives us here in Germany the opportunity to wear such a cozy sweater every now and then. The patterns and colors go well together. Thank you, dear Karin, for using our wool and thank you for sharing the result with all of us. 🙂

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